Abbotsbury 27/04/14

The plan was to fish Saturday but  didn't fancy spending my birthday in the driving rain and wind so left it until today in the hope it would be fishable .As it turned out first thing this morning I was greeted by a large swell which took two of my rigs but i new it would improve as the wind was switching to the N/E  and the tide was nearly at low so I didn't fish for a couple hours .Low tide arrived and there was a huge change in the conditions so I got  my rigs baited with rag and lug and put them out as  far as i could. I didn't have to wait long before the fish were on the bait my target was bass but i had as nice little surprise first

This was the start of a crazy 30 minutes or so when I had 3 codling and a smoothhound

The day really did fly by with fish on almost every cast a couple hours after my hatirck of codling I had   a slackliner only to find a whiting on the end with a big bite taken out of it!

                                             I have him next time

Not long after I had what I assume was a big cod on what with the way it was pulling but it got me snagged up so I will never know. I then had my 4th codling

     I also had 9 dog fish ,poor cod ,whiting and some pout throughout the day but no bass


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