Ferrybridge 20/06/15

I wouldn't normally go to this end of the beach for plaice fishing but it seems to be chucking a few out so gave it another go after having a couple out last weekend, Loop rigs were working better last week so made a few up with stronger snoods ! Rag dungy and squids were the baits . It started really well with both rods getting knocks on my first casts landing one but missing the other .

I then had anther good knock about 20 minutes later resulting in another plump plaice both coming to ragworm.
I was to miss a few knocks for the next hour ,until a rod dropped back and I was to land my 3rd plaice of the morning with the top hook also missing! while I was getting this one in I noticed my other rod line was slack and thought I may have pulled it in so straight on to that rod but it was in fact another plaice with a spider crab on the top hook !

So after a few hours fishing I was thinking this could be a really good day ..... pffffffffffffff

For the next 5 hours my rods didn't move !

Eventually my rod found some movement but it clearly wasn't a plaice , a smooth hound of around 4lbs although not big put up a very good fight and awoke me from my 5 hour coma !


The night fishing was a bombardment of poor cod and pout so gave up after 2 hours !!


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