Abbotsbury/Ferrybridge 10th/11th July

I met up with a mate this weekend 'Andy from north Devon ' I said I didn't mind where we night fished but wanted to fish for plaice and bream at ferrybridge Saturday morning .So we decided to fish Abbotsbury through Friday evening and into the early hours .We started fishing around 7pm with clear water and hardly any wind I had set up 20 yards or so away from Andy in a spot that has produced plenty of flounder and dabs in the past and I had a nice Little rattle on my first cast which was a nice fat dab so not a bad start to the day .

I started using peeler crab on a pulley pennel before the sun went down and managed 3 smooth hounds in 3 cast, this picture being the smaller of the 3 hounds  but to be honest the others were 4lbs at best !

Just before the sun went down a big shoal of white bait were chased on to the beach by horse mackerel, And later that night a fox enjoyed tucking into them!! So anyway  it was soon dark and with this my mate started to catch hounds and a couple congers up to 8lbs I also had some small congers and lost a good ray .We hit it on the head about 2am


Andy was so keen to get on with things he woke me up at 5am! And I was full of energy after 2hours sleep....... So we put the rods out while we packed up the tents but only a dogfish for Andy .Two hours later and we were at the other end of the beach with a noticeable increase in the wind  .The plan was for the long walk to my plaice spot which hasn't let me down yet but sadly Andy couldn't walk that far..... and we ended up in a spot that hasn't been so good this year compared to last year but this turned out to be irrelevant as there was so much weed about I was glad we didn't walk to my spot as it was hard going with rafts of weed constantly getting on the line but we did manage 3 nice bream out between us so Andy was happy with that and I also managed a tub gurnard .But by this time the wind was now up to 30mph and we called it a day . Hopefully I will get to my plaice spot next weekend !!



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