Sole Searching !!

Sole is a fish I am always happy to see on the beach as it tastes great so I have put more effort in to finding them over the last couple of years and it is slowly coming together! But I still have room for improvement when it comes to finding the perfect tides ,conditions and tinkering with the rigs a little to improve the catch rate . Having said that I am chuffed with my progress landing some nice fish with the average sole this year being around 1lb 8oz


 Most sole this year took lug and rag cocktails on the bottom snoods with 2g shots and glowing attractors , I actually started catching them very early in the year and noticed a pattern in there feeding time which was in the first hours of dark but didn't think much more of it until recently when  large amounts were being caught all along the western end of the beach mainly in the first few hours of dark. So this will hopefully help next year along with increasing the weights on the snoods to 4g to pin the bait down a bit more


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