Plaice And Cod Hunt Abbotsbury /Cogdon 25/26 September

 A  late decision to go fishing meant I would have to dig some worms as the shops would all be shut by the time I arrived on the coast .So I left home Friday evening  to coincide my arrival for low water when I could get at the worm beds which was about 11pm ! And i arrived bang on schedule although this didn't help much as I really struggled to find any worms for the first hour ....Thankfully i  persevered  and for the next hour and a half I had enough blow lug for the weekend .

It was now 1:30am and I spent the next 20mins driving towards Abbotsbury wondering if I should fish or get some sleep for a good days fishing in the sun ....well  I opted to fish !

So from 2am - 6am I fished the cottages at Abbotsbury with not a lot to show for my troubles in fact all I managed was a 3lbs conger one dog fish and a couple poor cod and the spider crabs made a return pulling my rods over just about every cast ! High water was about 6am and not much was happening so I decided to get some kip !

Two hours later I woke up full of confidence in catching nothing.... But reluctantly made my way to the bait shop and  picked up a bit of rag .I would have gone to the deeper eastern end of Chesil if I had enough change for the car park to avoid the Spider crabs but I had to make do with the western end at Cogdon


It was 12am by the time I had set up on the beach for the second time, wondering if  I was going to spend the day sleeping!! But to my surprise  it started off fishing really well with 3 plaice in the first hour .A friend of mine was fishing Abbotsbury and having a similar session to the one I had in the evening so he said he would join me in the evening if it didn't improve at his mark

For the next 2 hours I only managed one plaice taking my total to 4 but was hopeful of getting one or two more out before dark with high water at 6:40pm .And the fishing really did pick up in fact I was getting plaice knocks every cast and after 30minutes since I last spoke to Andy I was calling him to say I was now up to 9 plaice and this was now enough for him to come and join me !!

On his arrival I was reeling in my 11 plaice, Sadly I didn't have any time for taking photos as the fish were feeding really hard and I was constantly baiting up and getting the hooks out ! by the time Andy had finished setting up his tent and rods I had a double shot and a couple more single to put me on 15 plaice for the trip of which I was not expecting at all .

Darkness was now with us and that was it for the plaice fishing for me but not for Andy  he was pulling them out at 10pm double shots to which I have not seen at night before !

It wasn't all good  news, Towards the end of the night when a large fish 'felt like a cod ' decided to pull me down the beach cut through my other rod line which it was over and then promptly snapped me off .....the fishing went very quiet then !!

So in the end 15 plaice a small bass and two Gurnards made for a great session despite losing a big fish!  I am just thankful I didn't have enough change for the ferrybridge car park !!


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