After recent poor sessions me and Pete had been waiting for a good storm to stir up Chesil and if the forecasts were correct then the coming storm ' named Henry' was hopefully going do the job mid week . Being fish able and unfishable can be a close thing so I was constantly texting Pete to go and have a look but he kept replying its fine Nick ! So I did some work in advance to get the afternoon off .The day finally arrived and I was hearing that the sea was rather rough but I had the afternoon off so I was going to at least try and fish it!

I arrived at low water with only a few anglers on the beach , Henry had left being a  big brown sea with rafts of weed and  I also noticed while walking to my chosen mark at Abbotsbury that the other guys fishing were just using one rod and just standing down the bottom holding the rods up high out of the waves and weed and it was clearly working for them as they were reeling in a few cod .

These were the conditions a bit later when Pete arrived, much more calm

So I took note of what the other anglers were doing and headed down to the waters edge to fish and hold one rod while staying at a safe distance! Well within 10minutes I had a 4lbs +  cod on the beach .I was using squid and dungy worms on a dropper rig 'which I always use when the water is coloured far better then a standard pulley rig.I had to wait a couple hours before my next cod was on the beach and it was slightly bigger.

Pete finally arrived noticing I had 2 in the bag already, he couldn't get the bait in the water fast enough and like me he had one on his first cast ,It again weighed the standard 4lbs + for the year and not long after he had his second .

Dusk soon arrived us and this was when the fun really started as nice big codling just kept coming through out the evening

Leaving two fisherman very happy ,But not content with his haul of cod Pete managed a 11lbs + conger on his final cast to wrap the evening up nicely  .Henry will not be forgotten for some time but we are already watching /looking forward to the next good storm whatever she or he will be called !!


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